19th November, Tuesday

Have you encountered right-wing infiltration attempts or manipulation strategies within environmental and ecological spaces? What drives far-right actors to engage in these areas across Europe? What goals are they pursuing?
If these questions resonate with you, join our upcoming online skillshare on the 19th of November from 18:00 to 20:00 CET. This interactive session aims to empower participants to identify anti-democratic and inhumane ideologies and thought patterns within the realm of nature and environmental protection.
During our skillshare we will:
- – Explore the historical and contemporary connections between nature and environmental protection movements and far-right ideologies throughout Europe.
- – Examine case studies from various European contexts and discuss potential strategies for prevention and intervention
- – Deepen our understanding of the far-right and strengthen the resilience of our collectives.
This skillshare is hosted by The Movement Hub in collaboration with FARN – Die Fachstelle Radikalisierungsprävention und Engagement im Naturschutz
Gabriela Petkova