FRACK OFF. Gaslobby stoppen! [DE]
🔥🔥 Protest against the World LNG Summit in Berlin 🔥🔥
⁉️Demo, Workshop, Actions
🔴In mid-December, major global corporations from the gas industry and politics will gather for the ‘World LNG Summit’ in Berlin to celebrate their climate destruction. At the luxurious Adlon Hotel, the CEOs of BP, Shell, RWE, and other LNG corporations from around the world will present each other with awards for the best greenwashing and make dirty deals – among the attendees are high-ranking officials from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and “Climate Protection.”
✊We will not let this fossil lobby party go uncommented. From December 8th to 12th, we are calling for widespread protests against this fossil fuel event. 🚀
Together, we will stop the Gas Lobby!🔥🔥
🔴More information will be available soon here, or can be found on our website: